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Podrobnější nastavení

Timeless message.

Present-day language.


Bible21 translates the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Scriptures into the 21st-century Czech language.

Avoiding literalism on the one hand and a free paraphrase on the other, it strives to communicate clearly, yet faithfully, both the meaning and the literary style of the biblical writings. A team of evangelical translators and linguists, led by Alexandr Flek, dedicated 15 years to this translation. Since 2009, when it was first published, Bible21 has become widely popular among Czech churches and the general public.

Bible21 translators



We support the publishing of Bible21, promote biblical literacy in Czech society and help local churches in their missionary work.
Luboš Kendra (born 1960) has been with the Bible21 Foundation from the very beginning. Since 1994, together with his wife, he has supported its activities and since 1998 he has been the Director of Administration. Furthermore, he produces the typesetting of the various editions of Bible21 and arranges printing with our international partners.

From the beginning, we have supported the work on the Bible21 translation. Today we are dedicated to spreading the biblical message in Czech society.

In 2009, after fifteen years of work, we published the complete Bible21 for the first time. But our mission to bring the timeless message of the Bible to today's generation continues. In cooperation with the Biblion publishing house, we are preparing various editions of Bible21, as well as other quality spiritual literature. We organize lectures, presentations, and other cultural events. But most importantly, we continue to fund the work of Study Bible21.

Our work has always been based on small donations from regular contributors. We are not funded by any church or other organization; our partners are congregations and individuals who share the vision of spreading the Bible in a form that is understandable today. We would love to have you join us.

Luboš Kendra

Director of Administration


I rejoice that this long-awaited translation of the Bible is finally completed. It offers us a new opportunity to read the Scriptures in a fresh and surprisingly vivid language. This translation counts among the reasons why I see the Bible reading as a never ending adventure.

Pavel Hošek, ThD

Associate Professor of Religion,
Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University

While this translation strives for accuracy, it is at the same time readable, smooth, and fresh. It is written in a good Czech – which is still rather exceptional among our Bible versions. Simply and shortly, I would dare to say that Bible21 is currently the best Czech translation available.

PhDr. Josef Bartoň, ThD

Department of Biblical Studies,
Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University

I congratulate you on completion of your work. It is truly respectable.

Leo Pavlát, PhD

Director, Jewish Museum, Prague

This translation is a useful tool for a serious Bible study. At the same time, it is suitable for personal meditation, prayer, and sharing with other people, because its language is easy to understand. I believe that Bible21 will encourage both religious and secular readers to get acquainted with the Word of God.

ThDr. Pavel Černý, ThD

General Secretary,
Ecumenical Council of Churches in the Czech Republic

The text is written in a smooth, perhaps even too contemporary, Czech. It is a very bold translation – especially in comparison to the older one. Without a doubt, it is going to be very beneficial.

Josef Vintr, PhD

Professor Emeritus,
Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna

Bible21 has a potential to reach people who would otherwise not choose to read the Good Book. It is easy to understand for people of all age categories.

Daniel Raus

Journalist, Czech National Radio

The 21st Century Translation makes daily Bible reading a refreshing experience for a wide range of Christians, including myself. It is also a convenient missional translation, accessible in its form, yet uncompromising in its content.

Jiri Unger

president of the European Evangelical Alliance

All those who desire to bring the message of Christ to the Czech secular society need the 21st Century Translation. I love to read it myself, and proudly recommend it to everyone interested in the Bible. This is a contemporary translation for the upcoming generations.

Stanislav Bubik, No Boundaries Church

leader of a national network of churches

Bible21 Foundation

Bible21 Foundation

We support the publishing of Bible21, promote biblical literacy in Czech society and help local churches in their missionary work.

International media about Bible21

Czech Radio Praha: Modern Czech translation of the Bible appears after 17 years of work

Czech Radio Praha: The Bible, 21st century translation

Christian Today: Dutch Ambassador joins launch of new Czech language Bible

Johannes Mathesius Gesellschaft: Bibel 21

Jesed: Publican Una Traducción De La Biblia En Checo

Contact us

Bible21 Foundation

Luboš Kendra

Director of Administration

Rudolfovská tř. 545
370 01 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Czech bank account:

IBAN: CZ3201000000191707810247

USA fiscal sponsor:

Vineyard Northwest Church
9165 Round Top Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45251